plugger & xfce4: xfce4 exits when killing plugger

Rob spamrefuse at
Mon Jan 31 08:27:45 PST 2005


I'm running Xfce4 (4.2) and plugger (5.2.1) on
FreeBSD 5.3-Stable.

I use mozilla, which uses the plugger for realplay.
At some point, I see that plugger has started as a

rob 13901 [...] /home/rob/.plugger/plugger-5.1.2 \
                     192,1,43,23068673,0,0,979,609 rea

When I kill this process, then xfce also quits
altogether, and I get the X login screen.

Any idea why this happens? Is it a FreeBSD problem,
an Xfce problem, or a plugger problem.

When I use xwm, then I can kill the plugger without
any problems.


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