cyrus-imapd22 installation problem

Aaron Siegel bulk_mail at
Fri Jan 28 22:39:01 PST 2005


I have been trying to install the cyrus-imapd22 port without but I keep 
receiving the same error.

/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel -s -m 755 notifyd /usr/local/cyrus/bin
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.2/man/man3/Cyrus::IMAP.3: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

I have searched the port check all of the ports dependencies but I do can not 
find which port installs Cyrus::IMAP. I believe I have all the dependencies 
installed. I have only seen one other person with this problem so I believe I 
am doing something wrong. I am not sure  what.


OpenSP-1.5_5                <  needs updating (port has 1.5_6)
apache-2.0.49               <  needs updating (port has 2.0.52_4)
aspell-0.50.5               <  needs updating (port has 0.60.2)
autoconf-2.13.000227_5      =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.53_1             <  needs updating (port has 2.53_3)
autoconf-2.53_3             =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.57_1             ?  error - origin not found
autoconf-2.59_2             =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.4.6_1            =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.5_2,1            =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.7.5_1            ?  error - origin not found
bison-1.75_2                =  up-to-date with port
cclient-2002d,1             <  needs updating (port has 2004a,1)
cups-base-          <  needs updating (port has
cvsnt-2.0.34                <  needs updating (port has 2.0.58d_1)
cvsup-16.1_3                <  needs updating (port has 16.1h)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.20_1         =  up-to-date with port
cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.20_1  =  up-to-date with port
db4-4.0.14_1,1              =  up-to-date with port
db42-4.2.52_3               =  up-to-date with port
docbook-sk-4.1.2_3          =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xml-4.2_1           =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xsl-1.64.1_1        <  needs updating (port has 1.66.1_1)
esound-0.2.32_1             <  needs updating (port has 0.2.35_1)
expat-1.95.8                =  up-to-date with port
fontconfig-2.2.90_4         <  needs updating (port has 2.2.3,1)
freetds-msdblib-0.62.3      =  up-to-date with port
freetype2-2.1.5_2           <  needs updating (port has 2.1.7_4)
g-wrap-1.3.4_6              =  up-to-date with port
gdbm-1.8.3_1                =  up-to-date with port
gettext-0.14.1              =  up-to-date with port
ghostscript-gnu-7.07_6      <  needs updating (port has 7.07_11)
glib-1.2.10_10              <  needs updating (port has 1.2.10_11)
glib-2.4.6_1                <  needs updating (port has 2.4.8)
gmake-3.80_2                =  up-to-date with port
help2man-1.34.2             =  up-to-date with port
heyu-1.35_1                 =  up-to-date with port
horde-2.2.5_1               <  needs updating (port has 3.0.2)
hostsentry-0.02_1           =  up-to-date with port
imake-4.3.0_2               <  needs updating (port has 4.4.0_1)
imap-uw-2002d,1             <  needs updating (port has 2004a,1)
imlib-1.9.14_2              <  needs updating (port has 1.9.15_2)
imp-3.2.6                   <  needs updating (port has 4.0.1)
intltool-0.30_1             <  needs updating (port has 0.32.1)
isc-dhcp3-server-3.0.1.r14_3  <  needs updating (port has 3.0.1.r14_6)
jbigkit-1.5                 <  needs updating (port has 1.6)
jhead-2.1                   <  needs updating (port has 2.2)
jpeg-6b_1                   <  needs updating (port has 6b_3)
kronolith-1.1.2             <  needs updating (port has 2.0.1)
ksh93-20030724              <  needs updating (port has 20041225)
libaudiofile-0.2.5          <  needs updating (port has 0.2.6)
libghttp-1.0.9              =  up-to-date with port
libgnugetopt-1.2            =  up-to-date with port
libiconv-1.9.2_1            =  up-to-date with port
libiodbc-3.0.5_2            <  needs updating (port has 3.52.1_1)
libltdl-1.5.2               <  needs updating (port has 1.5.10)
libmcal-0.7_1               =  up-to-date with port
libmcrypt-2.5.7_1           =  up-to-date with port
libofx-0.6.6                =  up-to-date with port
libslang-1.4.9              =  up-to-date with port
libtool-1.3.5_2             =  up-to-date with port
libtool-1.5.10              =  up-to-date with port
libungif-4.1.0b1_1          <  needs updating (port has 4.1.3)
libunicode-0.4_4            =  up-to-date with port
libwmf-              =  up-to-date with port
libwww-5.4.0_1              =  up-to-date with port
libxml-1.8.17_2             <  needs updating (port has 1.8.17_3)
libxml2-2.6.6               <  needs updating (port has 2.6.17)
libxslt-1.1.2_3             <  needs updating (port has 1.1.12_1)
linuxthreads-2.2.3_15       <  needs updating (port has 2.2.3_16)
lua-5.0.2                   =  up-to-date with port
lwp-1.10_1                  <  needs updating (port has 1.12)
lynx-2.8.5d17_1             <  needs updating (port has 2.8.6d8)
m4-1.4.1                    =  up-to-date with port
macutils-2.0b3              =  up-to-date with port
makedepend-2000.12.28       =  up-to-date with port
mc-4.6.0_13                 =  up-to-date with port
mhash-0.8.18                <  needs updating (port has 0.9.1)
ming-0.2a_1                 =  up-to-date with port
mkisofs-2.0.3_2             <  needs updating (port has 2.01)
mnemo-1.1.2                 <  needs updating (port has 2.0)
mysql-client-4.0.18_1       <  needs updating (port has 4.0.23a)
mysql-server-4.0.21         <  needs updating (port has 4.0.23a)
nag-1.1.1                   <  needs updating (port has 2.0)
neon-0.24.5                 <  needs updating (port has 0.24.7)
net-snmp-5.2_1              =  up-to-date with port
netpbm-10.21_1              <  needs updating (port has 10.26.1)
openldap-client-2.2.15      <  needs updating (port has 2.2.19)
openssl-0.9.7e_1            =  up-to-date with port
p5-Carp-Assert-0.17         <  needs updating (port has 0.18)
p5-Class-Accessor-0.18      <  needs updating (port has 0.19)
p5-Class-DBI-0.94           <  needs updating (port has 0.96_2)
p5-Class-DBI-Pg-0.03_1      <  needs updating (port has 0.06)
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.02  <  needs updating (port has 0.02_1)
p5-Class-Fields-0.201       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Class-Trigger-0.08       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Class-WhiteHole-0.04     =  up-to-date with port
p5-DBD-Pg-1.22_3            <  needs updating (port has 1.32_1)
p5-DBI-1.40                 <  needs updating (port has 1.46)
p5-Date-Manip-5.42a         =  up-to-date with port
p5-File-Spec-0.86           <  needs updating (port has 0.90)
p5-File-Temp-0.12_1         <  needs updating (port has 0.14_1)
p5-Finance-Quote-1.08       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Finance-QuoteHist-0.31   =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-0.6                 =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Parser-3.34         <  needs updating (port has 3.38)
p5-HTML-TableExtract-1.08   =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.03         =  up-to-date with port
p5-IMAP-Admin-1.6.1         =  up-to-date with port
p5-IMAP-Sieve-0.4.9_1       =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-0.96       =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-stringy-2.108         <  needs updating (port has 2.109)
p5-Ima-DBI-0.31             <  needs updating (port has 0.33)
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.88   =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.25          =  up-to-date with port
p5-PodParser-1.28_1         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.11,1  <  needs updating (port has 1.14,1)
p5-Storable-2.09            <  needs updating (port has 2.13)
p5-Test-Harness-2.38_1      <  needs updating (port has 2.42)
p5-Test-Simple-0.47_1       <  needs updating (port has 0.54)
p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.06   <  needs updating (port has 0.08)
p5-URI-1.30                 <  needs updating (port has 1.35)
p5-XML-Parser-2.34          <  needs updating (port has 2.34_1)
p5-XML-Simple-2.09          <  needs updating (port has 2.13)
p5-base-2.03                =  up-to-date with port
p5-gettext-1.03             =  up-to-date with port
p5-libwww-5.76              <  needs updating (port has 5.79_1)
pcre-4.5                    <  needs updating (port has 5.0)
pdflib-5.0.3_1              <  needs updating (port has 6.0.1)
pear-Archive_Tar-1.2        =  up-to-date with port
pear-Auth-1.2.3             =  up-to-date with port
pear-Auth_SASL-1.0.1_1      =  up-to-date with port
pear-Console_Getopt-1.2     =  up-to-date with port
pear-DB-1.6.5,1             =  up-to-date with port
pear-Date-1.4.3             =  up-to-date with port
pear-HTML_Common-1.2.1      =  up-to-date with port
pear-HTML_Select-1.2.1      =  up-to-date with port
pear-Log-1.8.5_1            <  needs updating (port has 1.8.7)
pear-Mail-1.1.3             <  needs updating (port has 1.1.4)
pear-Mail_Mime-1.2.1_4      =  up-to-date with port
pear-Net_SMTP-1.2.6         <  needs updating (port has 1.2.6_1)
pear-Net_Socket-1.0.2       <  needs updating (port has 1.0.5)
pear-PEAR-1.3.1             <  needs updating (port has 1.3.4)
pear-XML_RPC-1.1.0          <  needs updating (port has 1.2.0.r3)
perl-5.8.5                  =  up-to-date with port
php4-4.3.9                  <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-domxml-4.3.9           <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-ftp-4.3.9              <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-gettext-4.3.9          <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-imap-4.3.9             <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-ldap-4.3.9             <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-mcal-4.3.9             <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-mcrypt-4.3.9           <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-mysql-4.3.9            <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-pcre-4.3.9             <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-pear-4.3.9             <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-pgsql-4.3.9            <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-session-4.3.9          <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
php4-xml-4.3.9              <  needs updating (port has 4.3.10_2)
pkgconfig-0.15.0_1          =  up-to-date with port
popt-1.6.4_2                <  needs updating (port has 1.7)
poptop-1.1.4.b4_3           =  up-to-date with port
portupgrade-20040701_3      <  needs updating (port has 20041226_1)
postfix-2.1.4,1             <  needs updating (port has 2.1.5_1,1)
postgresql-7.4.1_1          <  needs updating (port has 7.4.6)
postgresql-docs-7.4.1       <  needs updating (port has 7.4.6)
postgresql-odbc-7.2.5_1     =  up-to-date with port
py23-gdbm-2.3.3             =  up-to-date with port
python-2.3.3_1              <  needs updating (port has 2.4)
racoon-20040408a            <  needs updating (port has 20040818a_1)
rc_subr-1.31                =  up-to-date with port
ruby-       <  needs updating (port has
ruby-1.8.2.p2_1             <  needs updating (port has 1.8.2_1)
ruby-bdb1-0.2.1             <  needs updating (port has 0.2.2)
ruby-shim-ruby18-1.8.1.p3   =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2           =  up-to-date with port
samba-3.0.1_2,1             <  needs updating (port has 3.0.10,1)
sdocbook-xml-      =  up-to-date with port
slib-3a1_2                  =  up-to-date with port
slib-guile-3a1              =  up-to-date with port
soup-0.7.11_1               =  up-to-date with port

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