portmanager loop?

Alan Gerber agerber at nc.rr.com
Wed Jan 26 18:11:57 PST 2005

I'd like to report a similar problem with the linux_base system.  My
box has been recompiling linux_base-rh-7.3 for 12 hours now! :-)

The three strikes method sounds like a good temporary fix to the
problem.  Please let us know when you get it posted!

Alan Gerber

Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> To keep everyone informed, here is how portmanager's looping problem 
> with XFree86 is going to be handled:
> portmanager version 0.2.4_1
> 	Adding "three strikes checking".  When "make" is run on a port
> it gets 1 strike, if it's made a second time it gets 2 strikes and a 
> warning will be printed, if it tries to build a 3rd time it gets marked 
> as ignore and no more attempts will be made to build it.  At the end
> of a portmanager -u run every port that was ignored and why it was 
> ignored is listed.  This change doesn't solve the problem, but makes it 
> managable and I will have it posted before the day is over.
> portmanager version 0.2.5
> When a port has a second strike placed against it, instead of getting
> its dependencies from /var/db/{portname}/+CONTENTS (which is very fast)
> the port's dependencies will be retrieved by running "make 
> all-depends-list" in the port's directory (horribly slow) .  I expect 
> this to be a clean fix for the looping problem but may take a few days
> for codeing and testing before I can release this version.
> -Mike
> ps. Comments or other suggestions will be highly appreciated.
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