DNS Prob

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Tue Jan 25 05:40:26 PST 2005

Warren <shinjii at virusinfo.rdksupportinc.com> writes:

> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 06:27 pm, Warren wrote:
> > ok i changed the IP in the resolv.conf on the primry machine holding the
> > connection to the ent and on this local machine to the ns server .. yet for
> > some reason the IP dosent change on this machien but does on the other ..
> > what am i missing ?
> Ok it seems something is re-writing the resolv.conf file after i go in and 
> change the IP address from my ISP dns server to there NS server .. anyone got 
> any idea as to what or why this is happening ?

Are you running dhclient?  If so, configure it not to do that
("supersede" or "prepend" in dhclient.conf(5))...

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