running restore non-interactive

Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg listsub at
Fri Jan 21 08:38:24 PST 2005

Ruben de Groot wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 02:11:34PM +0100, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg typed:
>>Hi list.
>>  Im trying to setup a machine to mirror its entire drive using 
>>dump/restore to a secondary drive.
>>The dump works fine, but at the end of each session, restore always 
>>asks "set owner/mode for '.'"?. This makes it impossible to automate 
>>the task, which is what I would to accomplish.
> What exact commands are you using? I have scripts doing 
> cd /mnt/drive2/partitionX
> dump 0aLf - /partitionX | restore rf -
> without being asked anything.

I was using 'restore xf -', but after reading the manpage again I see 
that using -r like you do is the way to go.
Unbelievable that noone else has noticed this, there are hundreds of 
posts on the internet discussing this very issue.

Many thanks, you just saved me a lot of trouble!


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