Strange problem with DSL modem.

Michael C. Shultz reso3w83 at
Thu Jan 20 23:37:43 PST 2005

On Thursday 20 January 2005 10:50 pm, you wrote:
> It simply reports that: "fetch:
>ar.gz timed out" and then tries to download from another mirror, which
> times out, etc, etc.

You need to provide more information about your setup.  You say you can 
ping so I know your moving data both ways, but are you blocking any 
ports with a fire wall for example?



You seem new so I replied even though you top posted, also this should
have been sent to the list.

> Jason.
> "Michael C. Shultz" <reso3w83 at> wrote:
> On Thursday 20 January 2005 09:31 pm, Jason Osgerby wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am hoping someone on this list can help me out with a very
> > frustrating issue I am having. I dual boot one of my machines (a
> > Dell Dimension 2400) with Windows XP Pro, and connect to the
> > Internet via an Actiontec GT701-WG DSL modem with an inbuilt
> > wireless gateway. Now, under Windows XP, I can access the Internet
> > just fine, and do anything that I need to do. Of course, Windows XP
> > is a slow, buggy memory hog, and I simply hate using it.
> >
> > So, I decided to install FreeBSD 5.3 on a separate partition. After
> > performing a basic system install from CD, I wanted to add several
> > items from the ports collection, such as Fluxbox-devel, XMMS,
> > MPlayer, Firefox, ROX-filer, and all the other good stuff that I
> > like to use. So, I started running the "make install" for Fluxbox,
> > and it gave the usual message about not being able to find the
> > source in my local ports directory, and then gave the normal blurb
> > about fetching it from
> >
> >.t ar.gz.
> >
> > The problem is that it is totally unable to download anything at
> > all. All of the fetch requests to any of these remote servers just
> > time out after hanging there for about a minute or so. I re-checked
> > that I had configured the DHCP connection correctly, and no
> > problems there at all. So, I did a simple ping of to
> > make sure that I had a working Internet connection, and the ping
> > responses returned in a timely fashion as usual. Yet still, the
> > "make install" command just freezes up when attempting to download
> > anything.
> >
> > Obviously, I wrote an email to Actiontec support immediately,
> > asking for assistance. They responded to say that they don't
> > support FreeBSD. After a couple of minutes of cursing, I decided
> > the best thing to do would be to ask you all about this problem.
> > Anyone have any idea what is going on here, and if there is anyway
> > I can fix this? I am totally at a loss.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Jason.
> You should post exactly what is on the screen when make install
> fails. Is it failing to fetch from an ftp site or a http for example?
> If its an ftp site maybe you are blocking passice ftp with a
> firewall, anyways you should provide copies of whatever info you
> have.
> -Mike
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