del key in bash or tcsh

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Fri Jan 14 00:03:40 PST 2005

dkouroun at wrote:

> Does anybody know how to change this 
> annoying default behaviour of bash or sh
> in FreeBSD when somebody presses the del key?
> When I press the del key I want this to work 
> as it works on any editor or in Linux bash!
> Anyway to achieve this?

as we cannot guess what the behaviour that you desire actually is, I'm 
contributing a few tips:

  - configure xterm (or the terminal emulator you're using) to emit the 
appropriate key sequence when the "delete" key is hit.  In xterm, this 
can be done via X resources, see xterm(1).  For example, make it send ^?.

  - set the terminal line discipline's erase key to that key (see 
stty(1)), or use bash's readline keybindings functionality to bind that 
key to the function you like.  I'm not that familiar with readline or 
bash but it's doable and described in either the bash manpage, or 
readline's documentation (info files).

> For sh which command controls the color?



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