About ports dist

Martin Gonzalez mgv at zago.com.mx
Fri Jan 7 10:37:01 PST 2005


I have 2 very quick questions/comment about installation from the FreeBSD CDs, and X-window:

When I try to install the X.org distribution, it sends an error message that says it cannot find the packages/INDEX on the specified media. I checked on the CD 2, and there it is, the full ports collection, but the index file is named INDEX-5 instead of INDEX, so I think it might be the problem.

If someone knows how to install all ports from the CDs, can you tell me to this mail, I will be very thankful for it..!

The second question is: when I execute 'Xorg' at the prompt, it starts the graphics display, but I have no windows nor desktops, nothing but the mouse pointer. Do I have to install something else ? (Maybe from ports collection - which one?)

I am relatively new to UNIX, my platform is i386, I downloaded the ISO CD images from the ftp site and I burned those images to the CDs (I see the files/dirs on the CD, not the ISO file itself)


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