Which app to watch movies?

bsdnooby bsdnooby at optonline.net
Sun Feb 27 09:24:04 GMT 2005

I'm trying to watch some movies from archive.org, but I'm not familiar 
with the correct process.  I installed xine and avifiles, but they can't 
play the free mpeg4 movies I'm downloading from archive.org. 

Am I supposed to install the codecs separately?  Or should I be using a 
different video player?  I'm not clear on what the relationship is 
between the various players and codec packages in /usr/ports is.

Other than xine, I'm not sure which other ones are most commonly used.  
I'm trying to watch some of these movies:


Any movie watching tips would also be appreciated.  Oh, I did get 
Realplayer8 to work inside WINE, which was pretty cool.


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