portversion runs seemingly forever

Jason Henson jason at ec.rr.com
Thu Feb 24 01:07:43 GMT 2005

> Sorry, I guess I should have been clearer.  I let portversion run for  
> 12+ hours before I killed it.  I just cvsuped the ports tree a few  
> days ago, and make fetchindex didn't help me any.  portversion -l =  
> says give me the 'up-to-date' ports.  portversion -L = says give me  
> all the 'out-of-date' ports.	

Just scrap that and use portmanager.  It is small, lightweight, and  
does not need ruby.  On my machine with ule and folding at home running  
time make gives me
13.644u 11.247s 0:35.40 70.2%   2529+991k 291+53io 489pf+0w

And you don't need an index!

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