--memory/uptime stats shell script?

Colin J. Raven colin at kenmore.kozy-kabin.nl
Wed Feb 23 10:53:58 GMT 2005

I'm wondering if this even exists....here goes nothing: :)

A shell script, run from cron maybe that collects memory stats and 
My boss wants to see something like this on one of our intranet pages 
(*plese* don't ask me why, I have no idea!) FreeBSD-5.3 STABLE is our 
current intranet machine OS.

I started hand rolling a script which grepped some of top output, but in 
order to make it meaningful there's a significant amount of regexp 
knowledge required to dump the output that is *not* needed. Regexps give 
me brain pain.

Googling showed a bunch of extremely nice looking graphical output php 
scripts, all of which (ironically) are overkill. This is just intended 
to be a small cell on a intranet page which shows uptime/load averages, 
and what top produces in terms of memory usage. An slightly modiefied 
and formatted version of my .sig I guess.

snmp is not running, otherwise I could prolly do something with that 
(it's not running for security reasons)...so my options as I see 'em now 
are somewhat limited.

Suggestions, guidance, advice, a kick in the rear...all would be 
appreciated! :-)

Colin J. Raven
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE - http://www.FreeBSD.org - There can be only One
Wed Feb 23 11:12:00 CET 2005
11:12AM  up 3 days, 18:22, 5 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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