need help with script and sed

Frank Laszlo laszlof at
Fri Feb 18 18:43:08 GMT 2005

Bill Moran wrote:

>Frank Laszlo <laszlof at> wrote:
>>Jim Pazarena wrote:
>>>I would like to traverse my /users/home tree searching
>>>for all regular files and change any lines which read:
>>>  "/cgi-bin/Count.cgi ..." to:
>>>  " ..."
>>>I kinda think that a 'find' with an -exec of 'sed' would do
>>>it but I'm not sure, and even if it were, I'm not sure of
>>>the syntax.
>>>Could someone help me please?
>>for i in `find /users/home -type f`; do
>>    sed -i '' 
>>"s|/cgi-bin/Count.cgi||g" $i
>The only thing I would recommend different is to provide a backup file
>extension to the -i option of sed.  That way it keeps a copy of the file
>as it was before sed touches it.  This will save you a lot of headaches,
>if sed does something you don't expect.

Yes, very good call.

Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin Group
Email:  laszlof at
Mobile: 248-863-7584

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