How to package up (all) installed ports

Alejandro Pulver alejandro at
Fri Feb 18 01:16:56 GMT 2005

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 00:09:47 +0100
Danny Pansters <danny at> wrote:

> What would be a good way to create binary packages of all/most of my currently 
> installed ports (without rebuilding as "make package" does)? 
> I want to move my entire setup to another disk (array) and like to get rid of 
> any acumulated junk in the process so best would be to get packages from my 
> current system, make world and kernel on the new disk (array) and then 
> install the packages or vice versa. Would save a few days of compiling.
> Thanks,
> Dan


The command to create packages of the ports installed in the system is pkg_create(1), it is used with the "-b" option (in this case), like this:

pkg_create -b <installed-port-name>

The name of the installed port is as outputed by pkg_info(1).

The default format is .tar.gz (.tgz), but the "-j" option allows to use bzip2.

I made a (simple) shell script to create packages of all the ports installed in the system.


# Shell script to create packages of all the ports installed in the system.
# Usage: 'sh'
# Will create the packages in the current directory.

PORTS=`pkg_info | awk '{print $1}'`	# Filter the description.
NUM_PORTS=`echo "$PORTS" | awk 'END {print NR}'`
BZIP="-j"				# Use bzip2 instead of gzip.
PKGCMD="pkg_create $BZIP -b"		# Command to create package.

echo "Packaging $NUM_PORTS ports"

# Process one port at time.

for PORT in $PORTS
	echo "Packaging port \"$PORT\""

echo "Done"

exit 0

To use it create a directory to store the packages (like 'mkdir packages'),
save the script there and run it with 'sh <script>', or './script' (in the last case the file must be executable).

Best Regards,

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