FreeBSD logo design competition

Wes Peters wes at
Sun Feb 13 21:06:57 PST 2005

On Feb 9, 2005, at 7:22 PM, Erich Dollansky wrote:

> Hi,
> stheg olloydson wrote:
>> Any communications should come from someone with an easy-to-pronounce
>> northern European surname (but not French) and, if at all possible, a
>> first name that sounds American.
> Can I suggest Mark from a lovely town in Austria?
> This is the next kind of problems FreeBSD could face. Using words 
> which have a very different meaning in some other language.
> I think it is absolutely not possible to cater for all those things.
> Just leave the logo as it is.

That's just the point -- we don't HAVE a logo.

We (the FreeBSD Project) have never HAD a logo.

Walnut Creek had a few, printed on stickers, that featured FreeBSD
(a trademark now owned by the FreeBSD Foundation) and the MASCOT
(copyright Kirk McKusick, used by permission).

We NEED a logo that reflects what FreeBSD is.  The logo needs to convey
what FreeBSD is (a computer operating system; fast, stable, secure, etc)
in a way that speaks to people of many cultures and can be represented 
a number of forms.  Ideally, it will print nicely in magazines, on 
case badges, laptop stickers, bumper stickers, beer glasses, coffee 
and t-shirts, as well as stitched onto baseball caps, backpacks, and 

We're still firming up exactly how the contest will be decided.  What 
one has been flying off the handle about was a pre-release of the 
that was likely leaked to slashdot by some charlatan who can't keep 
communications private.

The logo will (like all important decisions about FreeBSD) be decided 
by the
committers, the people who have contributed their time, effort, and 
energy to
the project, because they are the ones who have the most riding on it.

            Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?
Wes Peters                                                     
wes at

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