Please don't change Beastie to another logo such asNetBSD!!!

Jacob S stormspotter at
Thu Feb 10 13:31:33 PST 2005

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:25:32 +0100
Anthony Atkielski <atkielski.anthony at> wrote:

> Louis LeBlanc writes:
> > Neutrality is purely objective in this case (and many others).
> > Uninformed neutrality can be highly inflammatory.  Beastie is only
> > considered inflammatory to those uninformed fundamentalists who
> > haven't been satisfied beating down every other freedom in this
> > country and need someone or something else to pick on.
> They are potential customers.  One of them is even President.

Oh, please! Could we stop using stereotypes and putting down this or
that "group" of people? When discussing politics and religion with
friends, I usually consider myself a little to the "right" of the
President, yet I'm still using FreeBSD. 

Maybe 'beastie' will turn away some potential users, and maybe it's not
"politically correct", and maybe it's not the optimal "business image".
But please stop saying this is all because of some "wacko Bible
thumpers" that don't like daemons. All of the Christians I know are
smart enough to recognize the difference between a "demon" and a Disk
And Executive MONitor[1]. 


> > I'm afraid I don't care for it.
> It's just an example.

And a very poor example, IMHO. Can you give any proof that it's a valid
example to say that Christians object to the use of the acronym "daemon"
in Unix-like operating systems? I have not been able to find any proof
on this list, the 19 Linux e-mail lists I am on, or the 2 or 3
computer/programming forums I occasionally visit. 

Note: This e-mail is not intended to argue either in favor of or against
the "Beastie" mascot/logo, nor should it be construed in such a way.


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