Failures after upgrading perl

Erik Norgaard norgaard at
Wed Feb 9 03:20:17 PST 2005

Jim Hatfield wrote:
> I have a 4.7-based system I use as a mail gateway. Yesterday I
> did a portupgrade of perl from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2. Today I find that
> I have no incoming mail, due to mimedefang no longer functioning:
> But pkg_info shows p5-MIME-Base64 as present!
> And it is, but not on any of the directories on the @INC path

> It seems to think it's dependent on perl 5.6.1, which isn't present,
> then wants to install 5.6.2, which is already installed.
> Do I have to remove and reinstall all the perl addons due to the
> upgrade of the perl version?

You should read UPDATING in your ports directory, there you'll find the 
instructions on how to update perl:

   AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5 and lang/perl5.8

   lang/perl5 has been updated to 5.6.2, and lang/perl5.8 has been
   updated to 5.8.6. you should update everything depending on perl, that

     * first, upgrade your perl installation (use either lang/perl5 or
       lang/perl5.8, the latter being recommended);
     * for FreeBSD 4.X, run "use.perl port", so that the system knows you
       have 5.8.6 or 5.6.2;  this step is not needed on FreeBSD 5.X and
       FreeBSD -CURRENT;
     * run some magic incantations to upgrade all ports depending on perl,
       that is run something like :
       portupgrade -f `(pkg_info -R perl-5\* |tail +4; \
         find /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.[68].[1245] -type f -print0 \
         | xargs -0 pkg_which -fv | sed -e '/: ?/d' -e 's/.*: //')|sort -u`
       This is likely to fail for a few ports, you'll have to upgrade them
       afterwards by hand.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                           web:
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