Using FreeBSD to migrate Windows XP?

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Tue Feb 8 08:23:14 PST 2005

John <john at> writes:

> Dump cannot work on anthing other than UFS filesystems.  Dump
> actually separately interprets the filesystem structure.  Consider, for
> example, that dump works perfectly well on unmounted filesystems.
> Dump is DRAMATICALLY different in its operation than tar, cpio, etc.
> Since tar and others use the filesystem code, they don't care
> what the underlying structure might be, BUT, they are also incapable
> of collecting "foreign" information like SIDs and ACLs.

This is one of the advantages of the new "BSD tar" (which is the
standard tar on FreeBSD 5.3); it can pick up some of the extended

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