Disk Label Problem

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at clunix.cl.msu.edu
Wed Feb 2 18:56:36 PST 2005

> I have a system with two SCSI disks.  da1 has a complete working system 
> on it that I need to clone onto da0.  The disks are different sizes.  
> So I went to sysinstall and used 'disk label' to create the desired 
> structure.  Thats where the problems started.  If I create the first 
> partition and set the mount point to / and the second as a swap 
> partition and the third to mount at /usr then when writing the changes 
> there are a number of errors generated because it can't mount to those 
> points - they are in use.  So then I tried to use 'disk label' and 
> create the structure using /mnt and /mnt1 (which do exist).  That 
> worked fine and did the newfs.  However, it created partitions d and e 
> rather than a and d.  So I went back and reestablished the structure 
> using / and /usr to set the partitions to a and d and then went back 
> and changed the mount points to /mnt and /mnt1 before the write.  
> However, this generated an error that it couldn't write label.
> Obviously I am doing something wrong since I have don this using 
> sysinstall and completing the system installation from CD.  However, in 
> this case the machine is a long way away and the CD drive is empty.

The only thing you were doing wrong was using mount points that
were already in use.   It doesn't really matter if the partition label
is d or e or whatever.   You might want to make sure it uses a for root.
and b for swap because some things make that assumption.   But, if you
use disklabel (or bsdlabel in 5.xxx)  in edit mode you can specify which
letter label to use for each partition.  You don't need to (can't) specify
a mount point in disklabel.  You fix that up later by editing /etc/fstab.


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