Palm (Zire) and /dev/ucom0 on 6.0

DW dwinner-lists at
Tue Dec 27 08:58:08 PST 2005

Jonathan Chen wrote:

>On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 12:15:11PM -0500, DW wrote:
>>I do all this on my new 6.0 machine. When I hit the sync button on zire, 
>>I get the expected dmesg output (detecting the palm device), but there 
>>is no /dev/ucom0 device in /dev. Why?
>Aside from adding uvisor, you don't have to change any other
>configuration files for 6.0; the USB tty support files have changed
>from /dev/ucom* in 5.0 to /dev/cuaU* in 6+.

I tried this, but am still having no luck syncing either through Jpilot 
interface or directly at console using pilot-xfer.

When I hit the hotsync button on my Zire, I get:

ucom0: PalmOne, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 2
ucom0: PalmOne, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.10, addr 2

I then type:
# pilot-xfer -p /dev/cuaU0 -b backup

and I get:

    Listening to port: /dev/cuaU0
    Please press teh HotSync button now....

then *nothing*

either I cancel on my zire, or it times out, and my dmesg output:

ucom0: ucomreadcb: IOERROR
ucom0: at uhub1 port2 (addr 2) disconnected
All threads purged from cuaU0
All threads purged from ttyU0
ucom0: detached

Of cource if I try to "pilot-xfer" the same command above *before* 
hitting hotsync on the zire, I get:

    The device /dev/cuaU0 does not exist..
    Possible solution:
       mkdnod /dev/cuaU0 c <major> <minor>

    Unable to bind to port: /dev/cuaU0

I'm doing all of this as *root* right now, just to get this working 
before I tackle the usual permissions issues that crop up when I do this 
as my regular user.

For laughs and giggles, I also tried all of this with /dev/ttyU0 as 
well, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Thanks for any help.


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