Completely disable sendmail

Pietro Cerutti pietro.cerutti at
Thu Dec 15 00:30:10 PST 2005

On 12/15/05, Russell E. Meek <rmeek at> wrote:
> Pietro,
> *sendmail_enable="NONE"* in your rc.conf will shutdown Sendmail
> completely and globally.

Same thing with "NONE" instead of "NO", moreover `man sendmail.rc` says

             (str) If set to ``YES'', run the sendmail(8) daemon at system
             boot time.  If set to ``NO'', do not run a sendmail(8) daemon to
             listen for incoming network mail.  This does not preclude a
             sendmail(8) daemon listening on the SMTP port of the loopback
             interface.  The ``NONE'' option is deprecated and should not be
             used.  It will be removed in a future release.

> Russell E, Meek


Any other ideas?

Pietro Cerutti
<pietro.cerutti at>

Beansidhe - SwiSS Death / Thrash Metal

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