/usr/disk usage

Grant Peel gpeel at thenetnow.com
Thu Dec 8 08:41:40 PST 2005

Hi all,

Recently installed 6.0 on a new server. Never had a problem with a /usr FS 
at 2.0 Gig before, but this one seems to be filling up fast. make clean 
already done on ports, what else am I missing here?

DOnt really want to delete source, but what else can be removed?

s1# du -h -d1
2.0K    ./.snap
 24M    ./bin
 13M    ./include
 31M    ./lib
 92K    ./libdata
 15M    ./libexec
248M    ./local
 13M    ./sbin
183M    ./share
411M    ./src
335M    ./ports
126M    ./compat
2.0K    ./games
2.0K    ./obj
 23M    ./X11R6
1.4G    .

Thanks all,


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