FreeBSD 6.x / GRE / WCCP / Squid

Cezar Fistik cezar at
Wed Dec 7 13:55:50 PST 2005

Hello Alan,

Wednesday, December 7, 2005, 5:46:41 AM, you wrote:

> ipfw conf
> ---------

> ipfw add 50 fwd,3128 tcp from any to any 80

Sorry for missleading you with wccp version2, my mistake.

Now, is it a mistake or you changed the port squid listens on? First
time it was 8080. Could you try to add "in via gre0" to you fwd rule?

What version of FreeBSD are you using, is it a 5.3? If so, you'll have
to upgrade to at least 5.4.

Best regards,
 Cezar                            mailto:cezar at

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