PC-BSD and Request Tracker

Will Maier willmaier at ml1.net
Wed Dec 7 10:56:34 PST 2005

On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 12:38:02PM -0600, Rory Schmitz wrote:
> I'm fairy new to Linux and I'm in the process of installing
> Request Tracker (RT) for trouble tickets with staff members.  The
> RT website stated I needed to be running PERL 5.8.3 or higher on
> my BSD box.  With that,a couple questions:

After reading the message subject and this paragraph, I'm not sure
what you're running, exactly. You mention Linux -- FreeBSD is not
Linux. You also mention PC-BSD. FreeBSD is also not PC-BSD (although
PC-BSD is based on FreeBSD). All the different *nixes can be
confusing, but clarifying your setup will make it easier for us to

> 1)  Can RT be ran from PC-BSD if you are familiar with RT?  

This seems to be an RT or PC-BSD -specfic question; this list is
not dedicated to either piece of software. You'll have better luck
asking in PC-BSD's support channels or on the RT-users' mailing
list, rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com.

Since RT is mostly Perl-dependent, I imagine you could get it
running (albeit with a little fuss), although PC-BSD isn't
explicitly supported by BestPractical. I'd recommend choosing an OS
officially supported by BP (like FreeBSD, various Linuxes, or
Solaris) -- many of these OSs have packages or ports of RT
available, as well, although compiling it by hand is often a better
choice for production servers.

> 2) What PERL version is included in this distro?

I'm sure they have Perl 5.8.3+, although I can't find anything on
their site to corroborate that. Again, you'll have better luck
asking PC-BSD.

> Thanks,

Good luck!


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| jabber:..wcmaier at jabber.ccc.de | email:..........wcmaier at ml1.net |
| \.........wcmaier at cae.wisc.edu | \..........wcmaier at cae.wisc.edu |
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