schedule a script at "system startup"

Werther Pirani werther.pirani at
Sun Dec 4 06:14:45 PST 2005

Ian Lord wrote:

> I guess there might be a way to put a script in /etc/rd.d/ but I
> don't know how to run it under a specifid uid

Create a script (name is not important as long as it ends in .sh)
and put it in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. Also, make sure the script is
executable and contains lines like:


echo -n " some informative message here"

su -l username -c '( command arg1 ... argn )'

Run the script (as root) manually with /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ to
verify everything is okay and in case you need/want to add redirection
(still inside parenthesis).

Hope this helps,

I went mad for a while -- did me no end of good.

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