How to resize /USR

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Thu Apr 28 18:43:10 PDT 2005

> I'm running FBSD 5.3 release, I want to increase the
> size of /usr slice, is this possible and how would I
> go about it?

Two ways to go about it unless you just happened to leave a lot of
space contiguously following the current partition that you mount
as /usr (not very likely).   Then you could try growfs.

But, presuming the more normal situation:

One:  you can back up everything on the disk, rebuild the whole disk
to whatever sizes you want and then use the live cd to reload the
backups.   Make sure you make the disk bootable when you redo it.

Two:  you can move some stuff such as /usr/local and/or /usr/ports
to some disk partition where you have lots of extra space and make
soft links to it/them.   That way you don't really have to redo 
the disk.   I have posted sample instructions for doing this several
times in this list, even recently.  So, check the list archives.


> Thanks
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