crash dump

Wei Chong weichong78 at
Thu Apr 28 05:52:45 PDT 2005


I compiled my FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE kernel with 
options KDB, DDB
makeoptions DEBUG="-g"

and wrote a kernel module that does nothing but call
panic() upon its loading, to try experimenting on
crash kernel debugger and crash dump.
Upon kldload the module, KDB was invoked and I was
dropped into a console debugger that let me see the
backtrace by typing "where".
However, when I typed "panic" as suggested by the FAQ,
it doesn't dump anything to my swap device.  Only by
typing "call doadump" in the KDB that it does the job.

I wonder why?

Any help is appreciated.

Yours truly,
Tan, Wei Chong.

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