
Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Fri Apr 22 09:47:08 PDT 2005

Timothy Radigan wrote:

>I know this topic has come up before, but how in the world do you get vinum
>to load AND start itself at boot time so I don't have to repair my mirrored
>volumes every reboot?
>I have tried to add start_vinum="YES" to /etc/rc.conf but that ends in a
>'panic dangling node' error.  I also tried to add vinum_load="YES" to
>/boot/loader.conf and that will load vinum at boot without panicing on me,
>but it doesn't start vinum and bring the mirrored devices up.  I have to
>physically log into the server and type vinum start to bring up vinum.
>What I want, is that on a reboot, vinum is loaded at boot and is started so
>that I can mount my vinum drive through /etc/fstab
>Any ideas/suggestions?

If you're on 5.X, I believe you want "gvinum" instead of "vinum"; vinum
has been trying hard to catch up with the addition of the GEOM layer
in 5.X (Kudos to Lukas E!)

Kevin Kinsey

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