Can't build ports on older FreeBSD machine

Brett Glass brett at
Wed Apr 20 16:10:36 PDT 2005

At 09:16 PM 4/19/2005, Joel wrote:
>It sounds like a wonderful idea. 
>Who's going to pay for it?

The same guy who's paying all of the port maintainers now. ;-)

>Oh? Well, okay, MSWxp sp2 is not what I would call professionally
>crafted software. 

They're professionals; they're just not always competent professionals.
But they're light years ahead of FreeBSD on the issue of maintainability.
With FreeBSD, the answer is almost always to wipe the system clean and
rebuild from scratch.

>I'm not going to lie. If it were possible to fund each of the BSDs
>enough to maintain professional backporting services for every release,
>I'll admit it would sure be nice. 

There's no need. Again, just maintain a record of the most recent
version of each port that will work on each release of FreeBSD that
has not been EOLed. Simple. And make sure that the port collection
as a whole does not break itself when updated according to the 
recommended procedure. (This is the least one could expect of software
of even mediocre quality.)

--Brett Glass

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