
Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Sun Apr 17 11:28:18 PDT 2005

In the last episode (Apr 17), Robert Slade said:
> I'm trying to get heartbeat going. I have a problem though with the
> udpport setting. The default is 694, but heartbeat won't start and
> say that it cannot bind to that port something else is listening on
> it. Using netstat dosn't show anything (the only thing running on the
> system is ssh and samba).

I don't remember having this problem when I installed heartbeat on my
system. Here's my ha.cf file:

ucast fxp0
auto_failback off

node node1
node node2
apiauth ccm uid=root
apiauth cl_status uid=root
apiauth ipfail uid=root
apiauth ping uid=root

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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