Lowest common denominator for buildworld/kernel

Chuck Robey chuckr at chuckr.org
Tue Apr 12 15:47:02 PDT 2005

markzero wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to set up a machine with which to build world and kernels
> for an assortment of slightly different machines. The machines are
> an assortment of Pentium IIs', IIIs' and AMD K6s'. What CPU type should
> I build for in order to safely accomodate the slight differences? i386?
> Also, as a side note, is there any better way to distribute the compiled
> binaries and kernel than NFS mounts? I *really* don't get along with NFS...
> Thanks,
> Mark

I don't know what sort of accomodation you mean.  The binaries can all 
be perfectly portable, or, at your option, you can put in various extra 
options to optimize for your processor.  To tell you the trush, if you 
don't play with the flags, then I see no problem with "slight differences".

ssh works great for a lot of applications that need to send products to 
foreign lands ... it's the "scp" command, in particular, I mean.

Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
chuckr at chuckr.org   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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