Very slow printing with stock FreeBSD5.3 + CUPS + Gimp-Print + HPDeskJet612C

Anthony M. Agelastos iqgrande at
Sun Apr 10 17:34:22 PDT 2005

Hello all,

My HP DeskJet 612C printer is printing unbearably slow (0.033 PPM). I 
have a stock installation (GENERIC KERNEL) of FreeBSD 5.3 straight off 
of the install CDs, and I have installed very little software thus far. 
I have mainly followed the installation instructions from

It basically prints one line at a time, then pauses for a while, and 
makes some noises, and then repeats. The whole single test page took 
over 30 minutes to print. Does anyone have any insight/info that they 
can give me to solve this problem or point me in the right direction of 
solving it? I have Googled and done some searching and did not come up 
with anything. I checked the CUPS documentation and forums and did not 
see anything either. 

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