setting an alias in .cshrc with parentheses in it ...

Joe Schmoe non_secure at
Thu Apr 7 20:57:45 PDT 2005


I often run this command:

lynx -useragent "blah blah (compatible; MSIE blah

Note that the custom referrer string that I set
includes parentheses.

So, to save time, I added this line to my .cshrc:

alias lynx lynx -useragent "blah blah (compatible;
MSIE blah blah)"

However, when I run lynx, I get this error:

Badly placed ()'s

If I escape the parentheses with a backslash in
.cshrc, it also doesn't work - it splits the line up
and lynx thinks that the next command line argument
begins where the first backslash is inserted.

So how do I include a command alias that contains
parentheses into .cshrc ?


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