Justin England Justin at rapidcity.net
Mon Apr 4 23:32:40 PDT 2005

Fellow FreeBSDers,

I need somebody to point me in the right direction for VPN access to a central site.  I will need to have my home FreeBSD server connected to the central site, and unfortunately, most other incoming VPN connections to the central site will be mostly Win2K/XP.

I am just looking for somebody to recommend to me the package(s) that are needed on the server (and my FreeBSD client) that will allow connections, and my main concern is that the Win2K/XP machines do not require any special software installed.  The server is 5.3-STABLE.

I have looked through the ports collection and it seems that there are many options, but I would prefer not to install each one for testing and hope that somebody has had the same requirements and can tell me what works for them.



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