Which Development Environment/Tools For FreeBSD + PostgreSQL Service?

Vulpes Velox v.velox at vvelox.net
Wed Sep 29 17:17:14 PDT 2004

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 17:52:28 +1000
<tom_oak at telstra.com> wrote:

> - Is this the right place to be asking about development tools?
> Since this involves FreeBSD, we thought it might be appropriate.

 http://www.freebsd.org/ports/index.html would be a nice start
> - We do not need any GUI. The programs will either run from the
> shell, or as services.
> - C/C++ comes to mind, but which flavour of compiler/debugger/third
> party add-ons/editor? An advantage here is the fact that this
> language is well established which should improve reliability to
> some extent (if we are careful with pointers). A disadvantage would
> be the extensive use of pointers, the cryptic and unreadable look of
> the code and the fact that C/C++ is getting a bit long in the tooth.

Don't like C/C++ then create binding for what ever you want to it for
another language...

for editor and and the like, let your developers choose what ever they
> - We are considering the Borland tools (JBuilder/Kylix) since we are
> familiar with Borland tools and like their database connectivity,
> rich components and elegant looking code (less plumbing). But on the
> other hand, we don't need any GUI, and we had some problems in the
> past with reliability. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Kylix is aimed at linux, not freebsd. As far as jbuilder is concerned,
really don't see any thing that impressive it when compared to other
IDEs, from it's website.

> - We would prefer not to use ODBC/JDBC, and instead interface
> directly to the database. We had some bad experience in the past
> regarding reliability and performance. We can either use the library
> provided by Postgres or write our own wrappers to make things more
> readable.

Then do so... if the language exists in the ports or can easily be
ported, I don't see any thing stopping you...

> - We would prefer not to use an interpreted language such as Python,
> Java, and Perl etc for performance reasons. We know that Java can be
> compiled, but is it a good solution without using JDBC? How about
> reliability?

I personally would just go with C++ over java.
> Are there any particularly elegant solutions you have experience
> with? Thank you for your help.

Can't think of any off hand, at this moment.

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