Adding ISA Parallel Port Card

Robert McHugh rmchugh at
Sat Sep 25 20:34:23 PDT 2004

Before I describe my problem I would like to thank all of the people who
monitor and reply to this list... it is a great resource.

I am running 5.2.1-RELEASE on a Pentium 3.  The PC has an integrated
parallel port that works fine, but I am trying to add a new ISA parallel
port card that worked fine on my RedHat 7.2 box.

In RedHat I could cat /proc/dma, /proc/ioports and /proc/interrupts to get
a list of resources that are not in use, but I'm not sure how to get the
same information from BSD.  I found vmstat -i for interrupts, but how do I
get the data for io ports and dma channels?

My /boot/device.hints file has 2 entries for ppc:"isa"

Would I need to specify DMA or io port for the new card which I think
would be ppc.1



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