howto software raid under FreeBSD?

Subhro subhro.kar at
Sat Oct 30 14:29:59 PDT 2004

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:17:05 +0200, Matthias F. Brandstetter
<haimat at> wrote:
> I never ever had any diffuiculties or hatches with software raids on Linux
> systems. 

You got me wrongly. The primary reason why "I" would make a RAID is
fault tolerance. In case of hardware RAIDs, rebuilding a sick RAID is
without any troubles. On the other hand for software RAIDs its quite a
trouble (atleast I am not confortablw with it, maybe I am biased
towards hardware). Also I guess you didn't notice that I mentioned
about the performance issues too.


Subhro Sankha Kar
School of Information Technology
Block AQ-13/1 Sector V
ZIP 700091

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