Apache2 & Apache 1.3 Conf File Differences? (Was: Apache 2 -"Directory index forbidden by rule")

Drew Tomlinson drew at mykitchentable.net
Tue Oct 26 16:32:22 PDT 2004

On 10/19/2004 10:38 AM Drew Tomlinson wrote:

> I recently upgraded my existing Apache 1.3x server to Apache 2.0.52.  
> I changed nothing (that I recall) in my httpd.conf file.  In 1.3x, I 
> had defined a virtual server to link to /usr/local/share/doc so I 
> could easily read my docs from what ever computer I was using at the 
> time.  There was never an index.html file.  I just relied on whatever 
> was built-in to Apache (mod_autoindex?) to provide a directory listing 
> when I accessed the Document Root.
> But since upgrading, I get a 403 error and this appears in my log file:
> Directory index forbidden by rule: /usr/local/share/doc/
> I've Googled on the subject and found others with the same problem.  
> The general recommendation is to make sure that "Options Indexes" is 
> defined for the directory.  I've done this and restarted Apache but it 
> has not helped.  Here's the relevant section of httpd.conf:
> <VirtualHost *>
>    ServerAdmin webmaster at mykitchentable.net
>    ServerName freebsd.mykitchentable.net
>    DocumentRoot /usr/local/share/doc
>    CustomLog /var/log/httpd_freebsd-access.log combined
>    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd_freebsd-error.log
>   <Directory "/usr/local/share/doc">
>        Options All
>        Order allow,deny
>        Allow from all
>    </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> Can anyone point out my error?
> Thanks,
> Drew

I am still having this problem and can't figure it out.  Because I 
upgraded from 1.3x to 2, I wonder if there's something in my httpd.conf 
that needs to be added?  Does anyone else that has upgraded recall 
having to add or change something?

Thanks ,


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