A good IDE for C development?

Gary Kline kline at tao.thought.org
Tue Oct 26 09:52:57 PDT 2004

On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 12:29:08PM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2004-10-26 00:04, "Loren M. Lang" <lorenl at alzatex.com> wrote:
> >On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 12:45:55AM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> >>On 2004-10-23 22:52, John Oxley wrote:
	[ ... ]

> >> I use both Emacs and vim, with reasonable levels of comfort.  I haven't
> >> found a way to convince ctags that it's ok for a tag to appear multiple
> >> times (which can really be annoying when editing the sources of a kernel,
> >> where names are *bound* to appear multiple times), but I know what you
> >> mean.
> >
> > Are you using exuberant ctags?  I've had problems with various other ctags
> > programs choking before, but exuberant has usually worked instead.  Now I
> > know that I had some programs with exuberant ctags with the linux kernel
> > before, but I think if exuberant knows all the defines then it should be
> > able to figure out which tag is correct by way of the c pre-processor.
> I don't think so.  I tried using `/usr/bin/ctags' but being able to do my work
> with Emacs' support for tags didn't search for other vim-compatible tagging
> tools.  I see now that Exuberant Ctags is available as the devel/ctags port.
> Perhaps it would be nice to try it out one of these days.
> Apparently it doesn't even conflict with the /usr/local/bin/ctags
> executable that comes with Emacs (it's installed as exctags in the same
> directory).  Coolness!
	I've given up on emacs, save for use in vi-mode: [x]emacs
	demands at least two hands:)   Beside, my fingers know vi
	automatically.  --That said, isn't/wasn't there some kind 
	of IDE that let the user choose different toolsets??--  
	(For example, I might be happy with an integrated [n]vi 
	or vim + ctags + gdb)  I've tried the KDE flavor of IDE
	back while running SuSE but it's editor gave me fits;
	kept hitting ESC and the [jk] keys, &c.  

	In the end, I think the IDE concept might not do that
	much for productivity; it may be more along thr 
	'neat-toys' category.  But I'll withhold my biases until
	I learn differently.  If there is no IDE that lets you
	pick-and-choose, is there any that uses vi* as its


   Gary Kline     kline at thought.org   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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