Multiple NICs

Yannack yannick_bre at
Tue Nov 30 01:53:16 PST 2004

> Now for a 3rd bird to kill in one reply I need to remind Yannack
> that apparently the *last* dhclient to run sets the default route.
> Next time dhclient renews the lease on an0 your default route will
> go the wrong way again until the ISP-issued lease renews on fxp0.
> I think it would be easiest to statically set the wireless IP
> address. After all it is *your* network, right? So you ought to be
> able to lay down your own law. With a static address you'll always
> know how to reach your FreeBSD box from the wireless side.

Yes and no: given I use this laptop at two locations, the wireless IP
changes. At home, I can set it as it is indeed my own network, but not
at work.... :(

> Otherwise
> you ought to dig into dhclient's docs in order to prevent an0 from
> setting a default route. Just because it seems to be working now
> doesn't mean its time to stop, else you will end up with a typical
> PC-grade network.

Actually you are right, I will have to do that as this morning at work,
the setup didn't work :( I have wifi and ethernet both at work and at
home, and though my tests seemed to work at home with my personal DHCP
they stopped at work for some reason. I will therefore try and find some
dhclient option preventing the setting of a default route for an0.
However when my ethernet is down (which does happen), I have to have a
default route available through an0... Gee, this is tough... :( Why is
it so easy with Windows ?

> Am guessing based on the contents of man pages for dhcp-options and
> dhclient.conf but you need to put something like the following on
> the tail of /etc/dhclient.conf. Am thinking here that these are the
> only things you want from the wireless router. That if you don't ask
> for a router then you won't be given one. Undefined interfaces in
> /etc/dhclient.conf will continue to use the default values.
> interface "an0" {
>     require ip-address, subnet-mask, broadcast-address;
> }
I will do some testing...

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