problems with http in fetch for ports

timopie timopie at
Thu Nov 25 16:39:44 PST 2004

Hi everyone,

My primary internet access is at University (secondary is at home an a 
56k modem). When I want to use ftp, or cvsup, I have to log onto the 
firewall in order to access the needed ports.  This works great. The 
only time I ever have a problem is when fetch tries to access files 
through http rather than ftp (as are most of the files I want in the 
ports collection). I can get the files manually with firefox, but it is 
very slow and painful. I tried setting up a .netrc file in /root 
defining HTTP_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY_AUTH (using the username and password 
I use to access outside websites) but it still does not fetch through 
the http. It will sit waiting for quite a few minutes until it times out 
and goes to the next site on the list - and when getting something from 
sourceforge it takes forever just to begin downloading anything when it 
finally comes across an ftp.
Is there either a way to make it access http as well as ftp, or is there 
someway I can tell fetch to ignore or skip the http files and just use 
the ftp files, usually at the end of the list.


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