5.3-STABLE - system after few hours

Nikolas Britton freebsd at nbritton.org
Tue Nov 23 07:38:54 PST 2004

Piotr Gnyp wrote:

>On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 09:06:44AM -0600, Nikolas Britton wrote:
>>The first problem is your trying to run 5.3-STABLE. the -STABLE tag does 
>>NOT mean the system will be stable it mean the code base is relatively 
>>stable compared to -CURRENT. Until FreeBSD 5.x matures a bit more (maybe 
>>after 5.5-Release) normal users should NOT be tracking -STABLE. Change 
>>your cvsup-supfile to RELENG_5_3, cvsup to 5.3-RELEASE-p1, and rebuild 
>>your system.
>I`ve just migrated from 5.3-RELEASE. Same thing happened there.
you rebuild your ports (screen) after you updated from 5.2.1?

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