Gravis USB gamepad, FreeBSD 5.3, and ZSNES
jason at
Sun Nov 21 17:17:33 PST 2004
Cam wrote:
> I can't get my gamepad to work with zsnes. dmesg tells me that its
> connected and recognized
> ugen0: Gravis GamePad Pro USB, rev 1.00/2.00, addr 2
> but when I start zsnes through the console, it says
> ZSNES could not find any joysticks.
> help?
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I have a gamecube controller I hooked up via usb to my pc and I can use
it to do stuff, just not play games! $ man usbhidctl is what you will
need to know. The problem appears to be most emulators use joypad or
something specific to linux. But there is one in FreeBSD too, I just
could never get the button mappings down. What I was going to do was
have x treat it like a keyboard or something and map the buttons from my
controller to the keyboard keys. I could get my gamepad to do things
like change system system settings, but that was all. If you have any
thoughts or get it working let me know.
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