pf qlimit ignored?

Nagilum freebsd at
Sat Nov 20 16:29:07 PST 2004

Playing around with pf I noticed that my queues are still only 50 
packets large, although my pf.conf says:

altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 090Kb qlimit 100 queue { q_def, q_pri q_mid }

Did I miss something?
Kind regards,

pfctl -v -v -s queue:
queue q_pri priority 7 priq( red ecn )
  [ pkts:        112  bytes:       6212  dropped pkts:      0 
bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50 ]
queue q_mid priority 3 priq( red ecn )
  [ pkts:        102  bytes:      14763  dropped pkts:      0 
bytes:      0 ]
  [ qlength:   0/ 50 ]
queue q_def priority 0 priq( red ecn default )
  [ pkts:      53092  bytes:   18787909  dropped pkts:   3247 bytes: 
1431796 ]
  [ qlength:   6/ 50 ]

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