GUI CD Burning

Laurence Sanford lauasanf at
Sat Nov 20 05:29:22 PST 2004

Graham Bentley wrote:

>Hi Again!
>Just wondering what to use for CD burning in X
>on FreebSD 5.3 ?
>I notice XCDRoast says for SCSI only and seem
>remember in Linux you had to enable SCSI Emu
>for IDE Writers.
>Last time I used 'burncd' it was pretty easy but
>would like a front end so I can click about whilst
>eating my toast (yes, sometimes Im lazy :)
k3b will do it nicely. If you're using an IDE drive, just make sure 
you've got CAM set up. With CAM, I fired up k3b and it was almost too 

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