japanese fonts problem with java plugin in firefox?

Choy Kho Yee khoyee at tf7.so-net.ne.jp
Wed Nov 17 01:59:23 PST 2004

Hi, I start firefox with the environment variable LANG set to 
to enable japanese input with kinput2, like this:

$ LANG=ja_JP.eucJP JSERVER=localhost XMODIFIERS=@im=kinput2 firefox

But when I go to a site with java applets, the messages in the dialog 
created by the java plugin are encrypted and I can't read them. I think 
this is
the font problem and I may correct it by editting 
jre/lib/font.properties.ja but I don't
know how. (Would somebody show me how can I do this?)

Since I don't mind to have java showing english messages, is it 
possible to set
the locale of the java plugin to something else(POSIX) while keeping 
the LANG
environment variable to ja_JP.eucJP for firefox?

FYI, I am using firefox-1.0_1,1 and jdk-1.4.2p6_6, 


Choy Kho Yee
url: http://dotkoyi.infoseek.ne.jp/
blog: http://dotkoyi.blogspot.com/

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