crossover on freebsd 5.2.1

Philip Keuleers ph.keuleers at
Sun Nov 14 12:23:54 GMT 2004


I've tried installing codeweavers crossover office pro 3.0 on my laptop 
running FreeBSD 5.2.1 . Using linux-emulation it installs fine but when 
I try to use it I get a "Unable to convert'c:\' to a Unix path"-error. I 
tried putting the full path name to "c:" in the wine config file but 
that didn't solve the problem.
Anyone out there who had more luck in getting this to work ?

I contacted codeweavers asking if they had plans to port Crossover to 
*BSD but the answer was:
"As much as we'd like to support BSD, we dont have a BSD version 
forthcoming at the moment. We would like to produce one someday, but in 
the forseeable future, it's not something we're working on. When we do 
decide it's time, we will make an announcement."



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