Upgrade to 5.3

Doug Hardie bc979 at lafn.org
Thu Nov 11 23:36:19 GMT 2004

I am doing some testing of 5.3 in preperation to converting a number of 
production boxes from 4.6.  A couple questions I have not been able to 
find answers for:

One of my systems has a very large IDE drive that is used to hold some 
long term very large files that are rarely created but occasionally 
referenced.  The system disks are all SCSI.  When I convert that system 
will the IDE drive (UFS format obviously) be mountable on 5.3?  Or do I 
need to reformat it also?  I don't have any easy way to preserve those 
files because of their size.

The port pstack doesn't work on the basic 5.3 install.  It expects 
/proc to be there.  I can mount /proc and then pstack works just fine.  
My guess is that proc was removed for a reason.  However, is there a 
replacement for pstack or do I need to mount /proc?

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