Mirroring in FreeBSD 5.3 (gvinum?)

Roy Badami roy at gnomon.org.uk
Thu Nov 11 03:28:42 PST 2004

>>>>> "Stijn" == Stijn Hoop <stijn at win.tue.nl> writes:

    Stijn> What's the output of 'gvinum printconfig'?  Please also
    Stijn> include the configuration file that gives you the above
    Stijn> error.  What other disk are you trying to create a plex on?

Ah, the output of printconfig pointed me at the solution.

The plex command in gvinum recognizes the 'vol' option, but not its
synonym 'volume'.  Which isn't helped by the fact that the (vinum) doc
mentions only volume, and not vol.

I'll raise a PR.


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