about the tmpmfs="YES" in rc.conf

LEI CHEN adam.chen at tpg.com.au
Wed Nov 10 07:46:12 PST 2004

I've just added those two options into /etc/rc.conf and commented out
the line in /etc/fstab. 

It works! :)

df -h output is :
Filesystem  size  used  avail  capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md0    31M   16k   28M    0%        /tmp

I am just wondering what would be the mfs size that suitable for me? I
have PIII 850 256MB laptop.


On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 01:37, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2004-11-11 01:28, LEI CHEN <adam.chen at tpg.com.au> wrote:
> >
> > I have just upgraded to 5-stable branch, and I noticed that the
> > tmpmfs="YES" and tmpsize="20m" options can be put into /etc/rc.conf
> > directly to create a memory file system automatically.
> Yesterday, I have committed a couple of enhancements to the tmpmfs in CURRENT.
> If you plan on using tmpmfs="YES", mail me privately and I'll tell you how to
> merge the changes with your existing setup once the tmpmfs stuff is merged
> from CURRENT to RELENG_5 (in a few days).
> > My question is do I need to comment out the line to mount tmp on
> > startup in the file /etc/fstable if I added those two options above
> > into rc.conf?
> Do you have a separate disk partition that is mounted as /tmp?  If yes, then
> mounting an md file system over /tmp will probably conflict with your current
> setup and you'll have to remove the entry from fstab (or at least comment it
> out, while you are checking the tmpmfs stuff).
> - Giorgos
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